British Columbia - Documents - Frontier


The frontier played an important role in shaping Canada's history, and there are many documents related to this period that are of historical significance. These documents include official records such as land surveys, settlement records, and treaties with Indigenous peoples, as well as personal diaries, letters, and journals of settlers and explorers. Many of these documents are housed in national and provincial archives and libraries, where they serve as important resources for researchers, historians, and the general public interested in learning about Canada's early history and the challenges and opportunities presented by the frontier. They provide valuable insights into the experiences of those who lived and worked on the frontier, as well as the relationships between Indigenous peoples and European settlers during this period.

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1st Train WInnipeg

The departure of the first regular train to-day from St. Boniface station marks an era in the...
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Nous sommes arrivés au terme de cette longue étude; nous n'avons pas l'intention de la ...
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Depression West

How families in stricken prairie areas have managed to live during these trying times. Those too proud...
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Fianace Immigration

His Excellency the Governor-General-in-Council, in virtue of the provisions of Section 20...
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Globe on CPR

As already announced, the Canadian Pacific Company has declined to receive more than 5,000,000 acres ...
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Grand Trunk RR

Now, as to the necessity of this road, as I said before, I do not think it needs any argument ...
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Buffalo Hunt

... The ranges of the buffalo in the north-western prairies are still maintained with great exactness, ...
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The past year or two this part of the Territories, have had quite a number of German Emigrants settled here,...
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Turner Thesis

The last chapter in the development of Western democracy is the one that deals with its conquest over...
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Red River Amnesty

I have on several occasions had the honor of addressing Your Excellency on behalf of the loyal portion ...
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Manitoba Schools

An Act for enabling Her Majesty to accept a surrender upon terms of the lands, privileges, and rights of ...
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Metis Bill of Rights I

1. The right to elect our Legislature. 2. The Legislature to have power to pass all laws, local to the Territory,...
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Metis Bill of Rights I

1. That in view of the present exceptional position of the Northwest, duties up goods imported ...
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Although my mission from the Colonial office is merely an exploring one yet much has come under ...
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Red River

HAVING in the preceding chapter pointed out some of the errors and defects in the missionary ...
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Report - Immigration

The volume of work at headquarters has not shown any diminution. In the nine months ...
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Sask Steamer Wreck

The wreck of the steamer City of Winnipeg, formerly the Manitoba, as she was being brought ...
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