Welcome to Richard Blanshard, a podcast series by Dr. Barry Gough, where we explore the early governance and foundational figures of British Columbia. In this episode, we turn our attention to Richard Blanshard, the first governor of the colony of Vancouver Island. Richard Blanshard’s tenure was marked by challenges that tested his leadership and resolve as he navigated the complexities of establishing a new colony in a remote and rugged landscape. Although his time as governor was brief, Blanshard’s efforts in laying the initial groundwork for governance and development left an indelible mark on the history of British Columbia. Join us as Dr. Gough delves into the life and legacy of Richard Blanshard, a figure whose contributions, though often overshadowed, were crucial in the early years of the colony.
Welcome to Richard Blanshard, a podcast series by Dr. Barry Gough, where we explore the early governance and foundational figures of British Columbia. In this episode, we turn our attention to Richard Blanshard, the first governor of the colony of Vancouver Island. Richard Blanshard’s tenure was marked by challenges that tested his leadership and resolve as he navigated the complexities of establishing a new colony in a remote and rugged landscape. Although his time as governor was brief, Blanshard’s efforts in laying the initial groundwork for governance and development left an indelible mark on the history of British Columbia. Join us as Dr. Gough delves into the life and legacy of Richard Blanshard, a figure whose contributions, though often overshadowed, were crucial in the early years of the colony.
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Reference: Article by Greg Scott (Staff Historian), 2024
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