British Columbia - Periods - Colonies and Colonization

Colonies & Colonization (1841-1870)
With the arrival of settlement of Victoria and the discovery of gold on the mainland, settlement and development by the British began to accelerate.
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Fort Victoria 1843

Fort Victoria is a historical site located on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada. It was established
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Boundary DIspute 1846

The dispute over the Oregon Country and the British colony of Vancouver Island was one of several boundary
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Local Politics 1849

The local politics of the colony of British Columbia, which was a British colony on the Pacific coast of North
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Vancouver Isld Colony 1849

Vancouver Island was a British colony from 1849 to 1866, located off the west coast of Canada. The island was
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Douglas Treaties 1850

The Douglas Treaties were a series of agreements made between the British colony of Vancouver Island and local
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Colony BC Formed 1858

The Colony of British Columbia was a British colony in what is now the province of British Columbia, Canada.
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The first legislature in British Columbia was established in 1856, when the colony was still a British
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BC Gold Rush 1858

The British Columbia Gold Rush was a period of gold rush immigration to Victoria and the Fraser Canyon in
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Colony of BC 1858

The Colony of British Columbia was a British colony in what is now the province of British Columbia, Canada.
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New West Capital 1859

New Westminster was chosen by Colonel Richard Clement Moody, the first Lieutenant Governor of the
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Moody Engineers 1859

Colonel Richard Clement Moody was a British military officer and the first Lieutenant Governor of British
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First Saw Mill 1860

The first sawmill in British Columbia, Canada was built by the Hudson's Bay Company in 1848 at Fort
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Royal Navy Base 1862

Esquimalt is a municipality located on the southern tip of Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada. The
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Small Pox hits BC 1862 

In 1862, an outbreak of smallpox occurred in British Columbia, Canada. The disease, which is caused by the
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Chilcotin War 1864

The Chilcotin War was a conflict that took place in British Columbia, Canada in 1864. The war was
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Gold Rush 1857 

The Fraser Canyon Gold Rush, also known as the Fraser River Gold Rush, was a gold rush that began in
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Cariboo Wagon Road 1865

The Cariboo Wagon Road was a 600-mile long trail that ran through the British Columbia interior in Canada,
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 Confederation 1867

The movement toward Confederation in Canada began in the mid-1800s as the colonies of British North America
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Colonies Unite 1866

The union of the colony of Vancouver Island and the colony of British Columbia occurred on July 20, 1866.
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Victoria Capital  1868

Victoria was chosen as the capital of the united colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia in 1866.
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 First Salmon Cannery 1871

The commercial salmon industry in British Columbia, Canada began in the late 1800s with the development


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