British Columbia - Documents - Explorers


Exploration played a significant role in the early history of Canada, and there are many documents related to explorers that are of historical significance. These documents include official records such as voyage journals, maps, and navigational charts, as well as personal letters, diaries, and memoirs of explorers. Many of these documents are housed in national and provincial archives and libraries, where they serve as important resources for researchers, historians, and the general public interested in learning about Canada's early history of exploration and discovery. They provide valuable insights into the experiences of explorers, the challenges they faced, and the impact of their expeditions on the development of Canada's geography and culture..

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Amerigo Vespucci

The document "1497 Amerigo Vespucci Account of His First Voyage" is a written account of ...
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Champlain 1604

The document "Samuel de Champlain Voyages" is a collection of writings by Samuel de Champlain, a ...
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Champlain Quebec

The document "Samuel de Champlain: The Foundation of Quebec, 1608" is a primary source...
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The document "1493 Christopher Columbus Letter to Luis De Sant Angel Announcing His Discovery"...
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The document "The Founding of Montreal" by Alfred Sandham is a historical account of the founding of...
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The document "Sir Humphrey Gilbert's Voyage to Newfoundland, 1583" is a primary source that ...
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Jacques Cartier

The document "1534 Cartier Explores Canada: French Attempts at Colonization" by H.H. Miles is a...
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John Cabot

"The Cabot Dilemma: John Cabot's 1497 Voyage & the Limits of Historiography" by Derek Croxton is...
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John Day

The document "1497 Letter from Bristol merchant John Day to the Lord Grand Admiral of Castile"...
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Lief Erickson

The document "Leif Ericson Discovers America" is a chapter from the book "Antiquitates Americanae"...
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de Siegnelay

The document "Memoir for the Marquis de Seignelay regarding the Dangers ...
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Pasqualgos Letter

The document "1497 Venetian Letter Regarding John Cabot's Discoveries in North America" is a primary ...
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Thomson Saga

The document "Jon Thorharson Saga of Eric the Red" is a medieval Icelandic saga that...


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